Basic Chakra Knowledge: How to Use Chakras for Beginners?

Basic Chakra Knowledge: How to Use Chakras for Beginners?

Basic Chakra Knowledge: How to Use Chakras for Beginners?

Chakra is the energy center of your body. It’s located in the middle of your spine, between your neck and tailbone. There are seven main chakras. Each one has a different function. They include

Root chakra

The root chakra is where all life force flows from earth into our bodies. This is also known as prana because we can’t live without it. It controls survival instincts like breathing, eating, sleeping, etc. it governs emotions such as love, hate, jealousy, and even greed. It helps us connect with others through empathy and compassion. It gives us strength and stability. It makes us feel grounded and connected to nature.

Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, sexuality, self-expression, intuition, emotional healing, and personal power. It resides at the lower part of your abdomen, just below your belly button. It affects how you relate to yourself and other people. It allows you to express feelings that may be difficult to verbalize. It connects you to your higher purpose. It provides balance and harmony within relationships.

Solar plexus chakra

Your solar plexus chakra is located about two inches above your navel. It relates to your sense of identity, values, beliefs, and goals. It influences your ability to make decisions and take action. It creates confidence and courage. It enables you to communicate effectively. It promotes healthy boundaries.

Heart chakra

Your heart chakra is located directly over your sternum. It represents unconditional love, joy, peace, acceptance, gratitude, protection, and inspiration. It brings out your best qualities and inspires positive change. It opens up communication channels with those who have hurt you. It lets go of negative patterns and habits. It heals past hurts and wounds.

Throat chakra

Your throat chakra is located behind your voice box. It deals with expression, truthfulness, honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. It enhances your ability to speak your mind and listen to what others say. It improves your listening skills. It increases your capacity for creative thinking. It strengthens friendships and partnerships.

Brow/third eye chakra

This chakra is located near the top of your head. It’s responsible for psychic abilities, including clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, and remote viewing. It stimulates imagination and insight. It facilitates spiritual growth and awareness. It aids in meditation and dream interpretation.

Crown chakra

When you reach enlightenment, your crown chakra will open fully. It’s actually situated at the very top of your head. Its primary functions include blissful consciousness, universal connection, and cosmic unity. It expands your perception beyond physical reality. It awakens your intuitive powers. It leads to an understanding of the true meaning of existence.

How do you use chakras for beginners?

The first step towards using chakras for beginners is knowing which one they are.there are several ways to start working on it:

1) Meditation

This is one of the most common technique used by beginners because it doesn’t require any special equipment. It can also help you get into the right mindset before practicing more advanced methods like visualization. It would be best if you tried meditating every day until you feel comfortable enough to move onto the next level.

2) Visualization

Using this technique requires some basic tools such as candles, incense, crystals, oils, etc. but once again, nothing too complicated. For example, you might want to focus on opening your third eye chakra, so you would visualize yourself sitting inside a dark room while holding a candle in front of your face. Or maybe you’d prefer to focus on your root chakra. In either case, pick something simple and easy to understand.

3) Chanting

While chanting may seem intimidating at first, it isn’t all that difficult. All you need is a good set of headphones, a microphone, and a book containing chants. Some people even make their chant books. Just be sure to keep practicing!

4) Yoga & Tai Chi

These two practices involve moving through certain poses and movements designed to stimulate specific energy centers within our bodies. They both have similar effects when practiced regularly. However, yoga focuses more heavily on stretching muscles and breathing exercises, whereas tai chi emphasizes slow movement and relaxation techniques. Both are great options for beginners who aren’t ready to learn meditation yet.

5) Reiki

This Japanese healing art involves sending life force energy directly to another person via touch. It has been proven effective against stress-related illnesses such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. To perform reiki properly, you’ll need a certified practitioner, a couple of blankets, and a few other items.


Chakra balancing is an important part of self-development. If you’re looking to develop spiritually, then you will benefit greatly from these activities. Try one activity per week until you’ve mastered them all. Then go back and add new ones each time. Eventually, you’ll find that you’re doing everything effortlessly.

Recommend Book: Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy & the Power of Positive Thought


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